About Me

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I am 22 and enjoying life very much. I am going to be blogging about fashion for those of us who are living on a college students budget.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My first blog

So this is my first blog so I am not really sure how this is suppose to go. But anyway my name is Courtney I live in a small town in Michigan. I am an aspiring actress and writer. I have always loved doing theatre and acting so that was a no brainer. The writting dream I learned about my freshman year in college. I went to the writing club meeting with my roomie so that she would know someone and discovered I was actually good at it ( according to the proffessor and other students.) I am about half way done with my first book, and i am excited to get it finished and start sending it out to publishers. Now with the acting I just signed up with a talent agency and sent in pics as me as a "goth" which is totally not me lol but it's for a vampire movie shooting here in Michigan so i am keeping my firgures crossed. But anyway I'm done now I think ttyl